Thursday, November 01, 2012

Sunday November 4, 2012 at DCC

This Sunday morning we will continue our walk through the book of Ephesians, seeking to better understand the ministry gift/office of “Prophet” and how it functions.

The plan is to look at the various passages in the New Testament that describe this gift in operation, to note how the people respond to it and to ask some hard questions about how all of this should look in a modern day congregation. 

Why is there so much controversy surrounding the issue of Prophets and the prophetic ministry in the church today?
Can we disagree on some of these things and still be unified as a body?
At what point does doctrinal error result in ship-wrecked faith?
What is to be done with false prophets and in the case of  incorrect/false prophesies?
Realizing that experience does not trump Bible - what is your experience?
Is there a prophet in the house and if so how is that decided and validated?

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